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Taichi has proven to be good for cardiovascular diseases, reducing blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides and preventing stroke.

Tai Chi 'could be prescribed' for illnesses - BBC News -

Tai Chi has benefits for people with health conditions like arthritis, a study has found.


2015年9月《英國運動醫學期刊(British  Journal of Sports Medicine)》發表研究指出,太極對癌症、骨關節炎、心臟衰竭、慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)等四種慢性疾病大有幫助

What are the Health Benefits of Tai Chi?
Tai chi is a form of martial art that appears to have benefits not only for balance, fitness, and flexibility, but also for relief of pain and depression.

The Health Benefits of Taichi --

Harvard Health Publications/Harvard Medical School/Harvard Women's Health Watch

This gentle form of exercise can help maintain strength, flexibility, and balance, and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life.

Tai Chi and Qi Gong  By Jodi Helmer 

WebMD Magazine

"....both tai chi and qi gong are martial arts that can help your circulation, balance, and alignment. They can also help restore your energy, called chi or qi (pronounced "chee").

The low-impact moving meditations include standing and balancing. Although qi gong and tai chi are excellent fitness activities for beginners and people with health conditions, elite athletes also benefit from doing the slow movements, because everyone needs better balance and muscle control."

太極拳 對 MMA 及五點補充 --葉一知


逝去的武林 ~~ 卲頌雄

「。。。《逝去的武林》書中記述民國年間三位形意拳大師的言行與造詣,點滴間展現出那個時代的武學境界、宗師氣度。雖說只是一種記事,順帶為後學把一些練武的關隘解釋清楚,但骨子裏卻是對於日漸逝去的武學傳統,寄予無盡唏噓。 。。。最重要的是書中通過三位大師的軼事、對他們性格命運的描述,勾勒出「武德」是甚麼的一回事。 現今有年輕一輩的功夫教練,以不講武德為賣點,認為那是上一輩不求實際的枷鎖。但讀過本書,便知道李仲軒見識到的武學,與現時強調技擊實用的「martial arts」,是兩碼子事。且不論誰對誰錯、誰的功夫更高,但可以肯定的是,以往習武,追求的除了用於強身健體、格鬥搏擊外,還是一種精神上的修煉,上乘者精、氣、神皆備,即使老輩拳師不識字,亦自氣質高雅、富有涵養。筆者卻不覺這說法有何誇大之處,因為不論儒、釋、道,其終極的精神境界都是超越世間言說的一種感悟。若武者能藉拳法、氣息等修煉達到這樣的感悟,自然亦從內斂的眼神中投放出來,性格也變得沉穩謙和,故謂內家拳的修習,既可改善身體亦可改造心志。這份「心志」,才是「武德」的精神所在。」

Tai chi health benefits? What the research says

Studies have found, for example, that tai chi improves balance and prevents falls, a key issue for older people as falls can result in hip fracture and a fear of going outside independently.

Research has also suggested that tai chi may be good for reducing pain, for example in people with rheumatoid arthritis. And that it may also help to prevent cardiovascular disease, be effective in coronary disease rehabilitation, and help ease breathing difficulties in people with a long-term lung problem.

In addition, it has been suggested that tai chi can improve mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety and enhancing general stress management. Research has also suggested it could help to improve how well you feel physically and mentally.


活化幹細胞抗老!太極拳練3年 幹細胞提升3倍



Tai chi helps reinvigorate stem cells, researchers find

In the study, 60 subjects were divided into three groups, two of which undertook tai chi and speed walking, respectively, and a control group that did no exercise at all.

The researchers concluded that the tai chi practitioners saw their individual stem cell counts increase by increments of three to five times.

Regular tai chi exercises helped the subjects with heart function, reinvigorated neural cells in the brain, balanced excitement and inhibition controls, and helped with mental trauma and nerve exhaustion.

Harvard Health Publishing-Harvard Medical School

The Health Benefits of Tai Chi-This gentle form of exercise can help maintain strength, flexibility, and balance, and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life.

Tai chi differs from other types of exercise in several respects. The movements are usually circular and never forced, the muscles are relaxed rather than tensed, the joints are not fully extended or bent, and connective tissues are not stretched. Tai chi can be easily adapted for anyone, from the most fit to people confined to wheelchairs or recovering from surgery.

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