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Meet Amy Sifu

Zhao Bao He Style Taichi趙堡和式太極拳  is a tr

Meet Amy Sifu


Amy sifu graduated from Maryknoll Convent School and the Law Faculty of the University of Hong Kong. She has practised taichi and kungfu for 30 years.  She benefitted immensely from the learning of taichi. In 2004, she quit her lawyer job and started teaching taichi and kungfu, hoping to promote taichi to a bigger audience. 


Zhao Bao taichi is a form of traditional taichi.  It is supported by taichi theories. Every movement of the form can be explained by taichi theories. The form is powerful in pushing hands and combat. With persistent practice of the form and applying the various taichi theories, a student under the guidance of a good master will be able to acquire the ability to listen, feel and invigorate the internal strength. In the learning process, balancing skills will improve, the limbs and internal parts of the body will slowly get to exercise, relax and eventually coordinate as one.


A student will be trained in the ability to listen to the route and intention of his opponent in the pushing hands exercise. Pushing hands is another facet of learning taichi. By practicing pushing hands, we put the taichi form in action. We can test the accuracy of the form and our ability to feel and sense the momentum/force of the opponent. It is a very intriguing game and interesting learning process.


Taichi is the best exercise. It is suitable for people of all ages.  It has proven to be beneficial to health. It improves blood circulation and enhances the immune system. It helps to bring about better body balance and prevent and alleviate illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stomach problems, spine problems and anxiety.  It has proven to be good rehabilitation exercise. A lot of students benefitted immensely after learning and practicing the form. They have become more healthy, lively, happy and energetic in their life, work and play pursuits.


Amy Sifu劉漢慧師父師承香港和式太極武術國際總會會長紀昌秀師父。紀昌秀師父從中國將趙堡和式太極在海外發揚光大。紀昌秀師父桃李滿天下,在中國及香港太極推手和散打比賽中曾擔任多屆裁判,在國際武術比賽中亦多次擔任總裁判長。她的子女及弟子亦在世界各地擔任國家級裁判及教練。紀師父的子女、弟子及徒孫在國內外的國際武術比賽中多次獲得獎項。






1. 1995 年中國永年國際太極拳聯誼會比賽

  • 傳统趙堡和式太極拳第五名

2. 1999 年美國第一屆新英格蘭國際中華武術錦標賽

  • 趙堡和式太極拳冠軍

  • 八卦掌冠軍

  • 劍術冠軍

  • 自選拳亞

3. 2005年香港國際武術節:

  • 趙堡和式太極拳冠軍

  • 八卦掌亞軍

4. 2006年香港國際武術節:

  • 趙堡和式太極拳冠軍

  • 八卦掌亞軍

  • 劍術冠軍

5. 2009年香港國際武術節:

  • 八卦掌冠軍

  • 雙匕首冠軍

  • 棍術冠軍

6.  2010 香港國際武術節

  • 劈掛拳冠軍

  • 劍術冠軍

  • 棍術冠軍

  • 集體刀術冠軍

7. 2012香港國際武術節

  • 雙長穗劍冠軍

  • 鞭杆冠軍

  • 八卦掌亞軍

Long fists is standard national fist for
恩師 紀昌秀師父
Tropical Leaves
  • 中正平均   輕靈圓活

  • 正腰落跨  含胸拔背

2024 by Amy Sifu

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