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Welcome to Amy Sifu's website

Amy sifu has practised taichi and kungfu for over 30 years.  Due to her passion to promote taichi, she quit her lawyer career in 2004 and started teaching taichi and kungfu. With 18 years of teaching experience and her legal training, Amy sifu fully understands the taichi form and the complicated and subtle requirements and theories of taichi and is able to demonstrate each taichi move and explain the requirements, and most important, point out the problems of each student and lead them towards the right direction of progress.
Zhao Bao taichi is a traditional form of taichi. Every movement of the form is based on taichi theories. In practical application, the form is powerful in pushing hands and physical combat. With persistent practice of the form and putting to test the various taichi theories, a student under the guidance of a good master will be able to acquire the ability to listen to, feel and invigorate his internal strength. Through the learning process, balancing skills will improve, the limbs and individual parts of the body will begin to exercise, relax and eventually coordinate as a whole. Pushing hands is an important facet of learning taichi. A student will be trained in the ability to listen to the moves and intentions of his opponent in the pushing hands exercise. By practicing pushing hands, we put the taichi form into action. We can test the accuracy of the form and our ability to feel and sense the momentum/force of our opponent. It is a very intriguing game and interesting learning process.
Taichi is the best exercise. It is suitable for people of all ages. It has proven to be beneficial to health. It improves blood circulation and enhances the immune system. It helps to bring about better body balance and prevent and alleviate illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stomach problems, spine problems and anxiety. It has also proven to be a good rehabilitation exercise. A lot of students have derived considerable benefits from learning and practicing the form. They have become more healthy, lively, happy and energetic in their life, work and play pursuits.
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劉漢慧師父習武30年,精通傳統趙堡和式太極拳,兼擅八卦掌、長拳、劈掛拳、劍術、棍術、刀術、匕首、長穗劍、鞭杆等中國武術。劉師父曾參加多個在香港,中國及海外舉行的國際武術比賽,獲獎無數。她是香港國際武術節的榮譽會長。 ​
劉師父中小學畢業於九龍瑪利諾修院學校,大學畢業於香港大學法律學院,當律師十五年。 ​ 由於熱愛趙堡和式太極拳和武術,親身體會練太極拳和武術的益處,劉漢慧師父2004年辭去政府律師的穩定工作,全職教授趙堡和式太極拳及武術。由律師變做師父,走的路一點也不容易。

Taichi and Kungfu Gallery

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